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About me

Gender Male
Industry Consulting
Location Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Introduction I live in Dubai with my wife and 2 kids. There are five things in life I love (1) My family (2) Sports: Cricket probably tops the list (3) Movies: Language or format is never a bother (4) Music: The one thing I don’t particularly enjoy is R&B (5) Books I also love writing & of course talking… I write about all 5 things I love and also about the one think all Indians like to talk about, politics So here I go…
Favorite Movies Sir Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Quentin Tarantino, Martin Scorsese, The Godfather, City of Angels, Virumandi
Favorite Music Jethro Tull, Judas priest, Iron Maiden, Classical Indian, &, Carnatic
Favorite Books Why We Buy: The Science Of Shopping, Call of the Mall: The Geography of Shopping, How to Plan Advertising, Testing to destruction, All Consumers Are Not Created Equal: The Differential Marketing Strategy for Brand Loyalty and Profits, The Art of war, Haruki Murakami