Mong H Tan, PhD

My blogs

About me

Industry Publishing
Occupation Writer-Philosopher of ME (Mind & Emotion) including morality & ethics in our complementary psychology of Science & Religion, worldwide.
Location United States
Introduction I’m a retired cancer biomedical research pioneer (1970s-80s)-turned critical reader of world issues (since 1990s); an independent author-publisher; a modern philosopher of ME, whose works empirically focus on, explore, and integrate the concurrent advances in interdisciplinary sciences, and our still-congruing psychology of Science and Religion worldwide—pursuing Epistemology of Self (& other selves) ethically, morally; metacognitively, and objectively, as a rekindled post-midlife passion—blogging avidly since the debut of my 2006 seminal first book "Gods, Genes, Conscience" a treatise with a self-explanatory subtitle “A Socio-Intellectual Survey of our Dynamic Mind, Life, all Creations in Between and Beyond, on Earth—or, A Critical Reader’s Theory of Everything: Past, Present, Future; in Continuum, ad Infinitum” and insightful contents, that will guide Readers to your own soul-searching Answers to, the oft-asked who/what/where/when/why/how Inquiries of, the origins/creations/meanings of our life/mind/intelligence/ consciousness/selves, etc, today and beyond! Thank you all for your kind inquiries and scrutiny; constructive book critiques, translations, proposals are welcome!