The Homeless Blogger

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Investment Banking
Occupation Unemployed
Location United States
Introduction I used to work as an investment banker until pork bellies went belly up in 1984. I lost my job, wife, house, car and all my investments in the crash. I now live in a cardboard box under the overpass most of the time. I try to find kind bloggers who will let me live at their sites for as long as possible. I am willing to clean their garage for rent and will eat garbage.
Interests Food, shelter, Night Train, barrel fires, kind prostitutes
Favorite Movies I have no money and no TV
Favorite Music Wino Karoake
Favorite Books Free Bibles

This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?

A homeless person's version of a mobile home if the back is unlocked.