
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Occupation Mistifying
Location Misty Mountains, The Bucket
Introduction Misty Rockchild Rocks your World! I was sent here to this realm by the bucket, in order to use my powers to save the bucket from harm. I accept that challenge and am determined to defend my friends and my home - the Misty Mountain...
Interests Rocks; Mist; Rocking and Misting.
Favorite Movies School of Rock; Rock me Amadeus; The Legend of the Rockchild; Rocky 1-6; The Rock; etc.
Favorite Music Rock Music! Misty and the Rocks; Mist on the wind;
Favorite Books The Misty Mountains - a history; The power of Mist; The hidden village of the Mist; Rocking the world through Mist energy; How Misty are you?; How Rockin' are you?; The Mist in the forest; Rockchild family mistory; The legend of The Rockchild.

You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?

My Mist and Rock Bucket!!!