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About me

Gender Male
Industry Internet
Location Berkeley, California, United States
Introduction Biz Stone is co-founder of Twitter, Inc and also helped make Xanga, Blogger, Odeo, and Obvious. Biz sometimes writes books about what people are doing on the Internet.
Interests Blogging, Writing, Painting, Netflix, Movies, Humor, Graphic Design, Television, Smallville, Alias, The OC, The Dead Zone, Rescue Me
Favorite Movies The Princess Bride, The Bicycle Thief, Moonstruck
Favorite Music Cash, Cake, Coldplay
Favorite Books The Castle of Otranto, Essays

What's the most amount of sand you've ever had in your swimming trunks?

Laying right where the waves crash once resulted in bathing trunks so full of sand that they were no longer touching any part of my body directly.