
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Artisan Chandler, Fiber Artist & Witch
Location IL, United States
Introduction A registered professional nurse and biochemist by education, I am an artisan master chandler, alchemist and old ways witch by birth and practice. From indigenous Old World European genetic ancestry, I practice Scientific Witchcraft rooted in the Folk Traditions of my ancestors.
Interests alchemy, ancestor mysteries, ancestors, ancestral lands, ancient migrations, ancient scripts, ancient sites, anglo-saxons, anthropology, archeoanthropology, archeography, archeology, avalon, bards, books, candle magic, celtic knotwork, celtic mythology, celtic shamanism, celtic witchcraft, chaos theory, clan ursula, consciousness research, cosmology, creativity, divine feminine, earth-based spirituality, earth history, ethics, etymology, evolution, evolutionary witchcraft, exotic teas, fiber art, folk magic, folklore, forests, runes, genealogy, genetic roots, germanic paganism, germanic peoples, handmade things, herb lore, herbal teas, herbalism, history, iceland, icelandic magic, INTJ, magical alphabets, meditation, metaphysics, mystical alphabets, mysticism, natural remedies, nature, nature-based spirituality, norse mythology, norse paganism, norse shamanism, northern tradition, northwestern europe, ogham, paganism, philosophy of language, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of science, prehistory, psycholinguistics, rain, ritual, runes, sacred circles, sacred feminine, sagas, scandinavia, seidr, sigils, shamanism, simple living, skaldic poetry, solitude, soul craft, spinning, spiritual biographies, symbolism, tarot, tea, teutons, teutonic shamanism, thunderstorms, tradition, troth, truth, U5b, U5b1b1, underworld mysteries, vikings, vintage things, vision quest, welsh mythology, welsh witchcraft, wise women, witchcraft, witch, witches, women's mysteries, wooden things