Jose Rodriguez
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About me
Introduction | Mr. Rodríguez established HITN in 1983 as a non-profit organization and over the years he has built the leading Educational Media Company directed to service the Hispanic population. HITN television is the only 24/7 Spanish-language service currently transmitting a wide range of educational programs reaching more than 15 million households nation wide. In Puerto Rico, its satellite enabled services deliver multimedia services to 53 educational institutions. Mr. Rodríguez’s vision has been to create a national telecommunications network that fills the growing need for educational, instructional, informational and cultural programming for the Hispanic community, a network that will advance the educational, economic and social aspirations of the largest growing population in the country. Mr. Rodríguez has over 25 years of experience in education, having worked as a teacher, United Federation of Teachers delegate, day-care center director, guidance counselor, principal, and assistant principal in the City. Earlier in 2004, he was named Puerto Rican Businessman of the Year. |