Wired for Mackie

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About me

Gender Male
Location Eastern Shore, Maryland, United States
Introduction My name is MacInturff, Mackie for short, I am a wire fox terrier and I live in Maryland with my mom, Melissa, my dad, Steve and two brothers, Finnegan and Ollie. I am ten years old. I have two brothers, Ollie and Finnegan. Ollie is a nine year old Bearded Collie. Finnegan a four year old Wire Fox Terrier like me. Honestly, Finn is my favorite cause we like to play and romp together and I like being the big brother!! ; )
Interests Catching the water out of a hose, playing ball, chasing squirrels, playing in my pool, sleeping in sun puddles, sitting on mom's lap, playing really hard with my dad, growling at my brother not to get too close to mom - the food bowl - the sofa or for that matter our house...
Favorite Movies Is there a movie that shows a bearded collie getting beaten up by a WFT? - That would be the one...
Favorite Music Anything that mom doesn't sing to...

If you could peer far enough into the night sky, you'd see a star in any direction you looked. When would you sleep?

What? How stupid! Anyone knows a WFT sleeps whenever he wants to...geez!