Avi Duvdevani
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About me
Introduction | Avi Duvdevani has more than 30 years of public sector experience in IT planning, management and client services, including 25 years in dedicated consecutive government service to the city of New York. He has played a pivotal role in New York City's technology history. Early in his tenure, he was a member of the leadership team that created the city's first technology agency that preceded what is now known as the Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT), as well as the city's first telecommunications network, CITYNET. In 1998, he was appointed to serve as the first deputy commissioner of the DoITT. He also served as DoITT's acting commissioner for a total of 12 months before, during and after the Sept. 11 tragedy, and was responsible for leading the post-Sept. 11 IT recovery. Mr. Duvdevani was honored for his post-Sept. 11 leadership by the Fund for the City of New York's 2002 Sloan Public Service Awards and the New York City Managerial Employees Association, with a Distinguished Service Award as Manager of the Year "...for dedicated and exemplary service to the people of the city of New York in a year of profound crisis." |